Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wonderful Experience At The Lighthouse

It was great to see some of our 8th grade joining the group at the Lighthouse. The kids enjoyed playing air hockey, pool, foosball, and video games. The part I enjoyed most was the devotion and study on prayer before our meal.

Thank you to all of the parents that sent food and helped with driving... A special thanks goes out to Daryl and Paula Zenke for the delicious spaghetti dinner they served!

Hope we are able to make another trip down before the end of the year. I'm not sure if we'll be able to fit it in or not, but I'll keep you posted.

New Studying Tool For Literature

I'm very excited about a fun way that my kids will be able to study their vocabulary words, or other facts for tests. They simply need to go to and set up a (free) account. They are able to make up flashcards for studying, or they can use sets that I have made up for them. In order to access (My Group) they must type in the password mrsprekop. I have already put their vocabulary words, for their quiz on Monday, as a set in My Group. The name of My Group is Mrs. P's kids.

The neat thing about this application, is that they can use it to study for all of their subjects. Hope they make use of this great tool!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lighthouse Outing After School On Friday (Bring Your Food Thursday!)

The following students have signed up to attend our outing at the Lighthouse:
Phil W., Porsche M., Jayme Z., Andrew Y., Colin W., Richard T., Andy R., David P., Danny C.
The students who are attending should stay after school to help get the supper ready. We will be leaving St. Jacobi at around 4:15 PM, and returning to St. Jacobi by 8:00PM. Please be at St. Jacobi at or before 8:00PM to pick up your child. If for any reason we get done early, your son or daughter will give you a call.

Those of you who have not already brought your food to school, please be sure to send it along on Thursday!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Reminder For Those Who Have Signed Up For Food Donations For The Lighthouse

The following families signed up to bring food for our Lighthouse dinner:

Swezey- 2 bags of salad, 2 garlic bread

Kaminski- 1 bag of salad

Williams- 1 bag of salad, 1 garlic bread

Waldschmidt- 1 bottle each of ranch, thousand island, french dressings

Zenke- garlic bread

Smrz- 1 bottle ranch

T. Burke- 1 bottle each of thousand island, and french dressings

Boese- 3 bottles drink

Case- bottle of drink

Manchester- bottle of drink

We could still use more garlic bread and drinks.

Thank you to all of the parents that are contributing food!!!

Please be sure to bring the food to school by this Thursday. Thank you!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Two Recent Bulletin Boards By Some of The Guys

Chandler B., Jon S., Ben E., and Josh B.

Erik B., Erich O., and Andy R.

Friday, March 12, 2010

8th Grade Graduation DVD

Look for an envelope which was sent home with your child, asking for pictures for our 8th grade graduation DVD. Please return the envelope, with the items listed on it, by April 12th.

Thanks for your help!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Please Return Your Lighthouse Slips

Only nine students have returned their Lighthouse slips so far. It is important that I know what to plan for, and need the slips returned as soon as possible. Even if your child will not be attending the March 26th date, we would appreciate it if you could sign up to donate food for the meal.

Thank you!
Peggy Prekop

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lighthouse Up-Date

I spoke with a representative from the Lighthouse ministries yesterday, and it appears that due to the size of the facilities, we will only be able to take 12 of the 24 8th graders on March 26th. I am considering another trip to allow the other 12 the opportunity to participate. The second trip would not include a supper with the Lighthouse group. Whether your child is able to make the March 26th trip or not, we would still appreciate donations for the meal. I have posted a sign up sheet at the back of the 8th grade room. I will be sending home a permission slip on Weds. for the March 26th date.

Thank you for you help!!!

8th Grade Picture Slide Show

It's time to pull out all those photo albums, to look for your child's pictures, for their graduation slide show. I will be sending home an envelope next week asking for the pictures needed. Have fun digging and reminiscing!