Thursday, September 23, 2010

Great Way To Kick Off Our Bulletin Board Art Projects

Nice job boys!

Two 8th Graders Are Part Of Our School Theme For The Year

Josh B. and Alex P. partnered to make our school theme meaningful and visible. Last year Alex P.'s theme was chosen from among a number of entries from the 7th grade. Josh B.'s design was chosen to represent the theme from the 7th kids in Mrs. Van's art class last year. What a way to use your God given talent boys! Congratulations!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Student Government Officers

Congratulations to our new 8th grade class officers!
Treasurer-Alex P.
Secretary-Matt R.
V.P.-Christian T.
President- Leif V.

We're looking forward to a very fun and successful year with our new student government! We'll have our first group heading to Christ St. Peter this Friday. We'll keep you posted on other events as they come up.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

8th Graders Going On To Compete In Our In School Forensics Competition

The 8th grade really impressed me with their preparation and wonderful presentations in forensics. Wow, what a group of talented kids! The following students are advancing to the next level of forensics. Please be aware that we don't force the kids to move on in 8th grade, they can choose to opt out.
Alex P.
The in school competition will determine who will be going on to compete at Wisco on Nov. 6th. Good luck!

8th Grader's Going On t

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Forensic Schedule

We have a later start this school year, so we need to get our forensics pieces chosen and presented that much sooner.

Piece must be chosen and approved by Tues. Sept. 7th. Presentations to the class (for a double weighted grade) will take place from Thurs. Sept. 9 thru Monday Sept. 13. Those doing pieces that don't need to be memorized will present first. Deductions will be taken on pieces that are poorly memorized. Please be sure that your child has their piece ready on time. Thank you for your help!