Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Christmas Carol

Every other year the 7th and 8th grades read the Christmas classic A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Some of you may have already heard about a planned field trip to see the Disney movie A Christmas Carol with Jim Carey. I have made arrangements with the Majestic theater in Waukesha to attend a 10:00 a.m. showing on Dec. 11. We will need to leave St. Jacobi by 9:00 a.m. We will not be taking a bus for this trip to save on our costs. I will need drivers for both the 7th and 8th grades (46 students). The cost of a ticket for chaperons will be $5.50. I will also need some parents who are willing to help provide and serve a lite "Dickens Christmas Lunch" following the movie. Just as I did 2 years ago, we will try to recreate a Christmas as it was back in the late 1800s. I am putting out this information early so that you can make plans accordingly. I will give you more information as the date draws closer.

Thank you!
Peggy Prekop

Monday, September 28, 2009

Science Test

Science test coming up on Thursday of this week. Terra Nova testing will also take place either Monday or Tuesday.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Our 1st Bulletin Board

Sorry I didn't get this out to you sooner! Our 1st bulletin board is by:

Aron Weber
Colin Williams
Jayme Zenke

Great message!

Our 1st attempt at the 8th grade picture

We didn't get it right the first time, but we're still working on it. In this picture, Gracie was being attacked by a bee!!! Future post will show a successful pic!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Second Level of Forensics

The following students will being going on to the next level of forensics:

Andrew Y.
Andy R.
Angela J.
Caleb K.
Chandler B.
Colin W.
Gracie S.
Jon S.
Luke B.
Morgan M.
Mariah M.
Phil W.
Tony B.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Student Government News

We had our election today for the 8th grade class officers. The races were very close, but our results were as follows:

Treasurer: Jon S.
Secretary: Phil W. (This was an extremely close race, it was between Phil and himself):) This is actually the toughest job of all of the positions.
Vice President: Chandler B.
President: Jacob S.


As part of their student government, the 8th grade will be choosing one of the quarterly missions to spearhead a special drive. The 8th grade has opted to continue helping at the Christ-St.Peter's food pantry, and will have their first group helping out this coming Friday. Thank you to Mrs. Rohleder for taking charge of this group. They will also be a part of the Lighthouse ministry at 68th and Silver Spring. More information will follow on this ministry in a future post.

We will be sending care packages to Chandler B's father's platoon in Iraq. Donations of money to cover the postage for sending these packages will be collected soon.

We are looking forward to a productive year with our student government, and will keep you posted as events arise.