Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy Christmas Break!

Hope you're all enjoying your break. What a great job on the Christmas service 8th grade!!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Party

Our 8th grade Christmas committee sent home a note with your child on Friday asking for food, beverage, and paper goods for our party on Tuesday. Please check the note for the item which your child was assigned. Thanks!

Have a blessed Christmas celebration and break!!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jr Choir Sings

Jr. Choir sings this Sunday, December 12th. We warm up promptly at 7:55 in the MultiPurpose Room. Please have your child there on time. We singing immediately following the bells at 8:15. Thank you for your help!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Carol

Great news! We have been blessed to receive free tickets to WLC's production of A Christmas Carol on Dec. 13th. We will be leaving at approximately 11:30 a.m. We will need 3 chaperons, which we will take on a first come basis. Please contact me if you would like to chaperon.

Peggy Prekop

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rides For Wisco Testing On Friday

Mrs. Plaski has room for 3 students, if anyone needs a ride to or from testing at Wisco on Friday. She will probably stop at McDonald's before heading back to St. Jacobi. Please give her a call if you're interested. Thanks!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Looking For Craft Scraps...

Our 8th grade art class will be starting our paper Christmas village houses, churches... and would love anything that you think might be used to decorate or enhance our village. White glitter, spray adhesive, mini die cut wreaths, and many other things I'm sure I haven't thought of would be much appreciated!!! I hope to find some new patterns to make our village even better this year.

Thanks for your help!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bring Your Dogs

Just in case your child hasn't mentioned it to you, we are welcoming them to share their dogs with the residents of the Oak Crest home we're visiting this coming Friday. If you are able to bring your dog, please come to the home at around 2:40 or 2:45 p.m. The residents don't often get a chance to interact with pets, and I'm sure they would really appreciate the experience.


November 8th Grade Breakfast, Christ St. Peters, and Oak Crest Home

Wow! Do we have a big Friday coming up? The morning starts with the 8th grades' second monthly breakfast, with pancakes served up by principal Hackmann. There is a sign up sheet in the back of the room. Many items are needed. Mom's who can help microwave bacon..., and help the kids with set up would be appreciated. Please let me know if you can help.

We also have a group of six heading to the Christ St. Peter's food pantry. The rest of the class will be going over to Oak Crest at 2:00 p.m. to visit with the elderly. Three of our forensic team will be performing their pieces. The kids will also be making a Veteran's Day craft with the residents, and bringing in some of their dogs to visit with the group. What a great experience for our class!

Pictures will follow.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Money For Mexican Mission

Instead of exchanging a $5.00 Christmas gift with one another, the 8th grade has decided to give their money to the Mission to the Children in Mexico. The Mission is run by the WELS and the Iglesia Evangelica Luterana Confesional, its sister church in Mexico.

Each year Wisco sends a group of Spanish students down to help at the Mission. They will be taking the money donated by your kids and purchasing Christmas gifts for the children in the Mission. They need the money by this Friday so that they will have enough time to purchase all of the gifts.

Your student is signing up to send their gift to a specific child, and will have the opportunity to correspond with this particular child. We will be taking our pictures and sending them along in hopes that we will receive a picture in return.

Please have your money to me by this coming Friday.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

God Given Talents- Wonderfully Expressed!

Wow, eighth grade, what a great job of using your many gifts and abilities!!! Such a treat to see the growth in all of your performances from the time you were in sixth grade. Take those God given gifts with you into high school, and use them to His glory through out your lives. Congratulations, we're all so proud of you!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Jr Choir Sings on November 7th

The Jr. Choir sings this Sunday, on November 7th, in the 10:45 worship service. We will warm up in the MultiPurpose Room at 10:25. I could use a few parents to help me by sitting in the balcony with the Jr. Choir. Please remember to set your clocks back one hour Saturday night.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


The competition begins this Saturday, November 6, at Wisco, at 9:00 am. You will do 3 rounds and should be done by noon or sooner.
Mrs. Prekop would like to meet with you all at 8:30 am on Saturday. I will let you know the room number when I hand out your information on Friday at lunch. See you then!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


The competition at Wisco is THIS SATURDAY. I will be posting final details as soon as I get them.
Please check the updated schedule in your classroom to see where you are performing this week.
Some of you are also scheduled to see Mrs. Goede or Mrs. Reinhard one more time.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Filling, Fun, and Friendship

Kid's breakfast was a success! We'll keep you posted on upcoming breakfasts, and items that will be needed.

Newest Bulletin Board

Great job John and Alex!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

First Monthly 8th Grade Breakfast

Tomorrow on Friday Oct. 22, the 8th grade will be having their first breakfast from 7:30a.m.-8:00a.m. I'm sorry I forgot to post something sooner, I just assumed the kids would be so excited about it that they would be sure to tell you. I will be serving egg bakes, Cinnabon bread, and apple sauce. Pictures to follow:)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Extra 8th Grade t-shirts

Mrs. Van has (2) 8th grade (size large) t-shirts for sale for $10.00 a piece. Please let her know if you'd be interested in purchasing one of them.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Forensics at Wisco

Congratulations to the following students who qualified to move on to the final competition at Wisco on Saturday, November 6. It usually begins about 8:30 and lasts until almost noon, but I will post exact times and details as it gets closer to the event.


Toward the end of next week you will begin presenting in classrooms to help you get used to being in front of people.

To God be the glory!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Jr. Choir - Thank you

I would like to thank all the parents who made the extra effort to bring their children to church early for warm-ups and to sing in second service. I feel the song went well. Next time, I will need some help in the balcony with monitoring students' behavior.

God bless your week

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Congratulations Jamie!!!

A big congratulations to Jamie S. on her 4th place at the spelling bee this Saturday. Way to use your God given gifts Jamie!

Last 8th Grade Class To Have Their Pic On The Jungle Gym

Thanks to the pep-grant, we will be saying goodbye to the jungle gym and all of the other playground equipment. What a blessing, but we sure will miss the perfect picture prop that the jungle gym provided for us.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Jr. Choir to Sing In Church

Jr. Choir will be singing in church this weekend, Oct. 3rd, at 10:45. Warm-ups will begin at 10:25 in the MultiPurpose Room. Please have your child here promptly. If your child is unable to singing with the choir, please let me know BEFORE Sunday morning.

If you attend a different worship service, your child may leave the next time the congregation is singing. This will hopefully decrease the distraction of people moving during the worship service.

Thank you,
Mr. Frisque

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Great Way To Kick Off Our Bulletin Board Art Projects

Nice job boys!

Two 8th Graders Are Part Of Our School Theme For The Year

Josh B. and Alex P. partnered to make our school theme meaningful and visible. Last year Alex P.'s theme was chosen from among a number of entries from the 7th grade. Josh B.'s design was chosen to represent the theme from the 7th kids in Mrs. Van's art class last year. What a way to use your God given talent boys! Congratulations!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Student Government Officers

Congratulations to our new 8th grade class officers!
Treasurer-Alex P.
Secretary-Matt R.
V.P.-Christian T.
President- Leif V.

We're looking forward to a very fun and successful year with our new student government! We'll have our first group heading to Christ St. Peter this Friday. We'll keep you posted on other events as they come up.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

8th Graders Going On To Compete In Our In School Forensics Competition

The 8th grade really impressed me with their preparation and wonderful presentations in forensics. Wow, what a group of talented kids! The following students are advancing to the next level of forensics. Please be aware that we don't force the kids to move on in 8th grade, they can choose to opt out.
Alex P.
The in school competition will determine who will be going on to compete at Wisco on Nov. 6th. Good luck!

8th Grader's Going On t

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Forensic Schedule

We have a later start this school year, so we need to get our forensics pieces chosen and presented that much sooner.

Piece must be chosen and approved by Tues. Sept. 7th. Presentations to the class (for a double weighted grade) will take place from Thurs. Sept. 9 thru Monday Sept. 13. Those doing pieces that don't need to be memorized will present first. Deductions will be taken on pieces that are poorly memorized. Please be sure that your child has their piece ready on time. Thank you for your help!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

8th Grade T-shirts

Beth Van Grinsven has posted the information for ordering your class t-shirts on the door in the back of the 8th grade classroom. She needs your order in by September 10th. Money for the t-shirts should also be given to Beth so she can place the order. Thank you!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Gearing Up For Forensics

The first day of school is just around the corner, and I thought I'd give the parents a heads up on preparing for forensics this year. It's always a scramble to find material to use, especially since libraries are closed part of the Labor Day weekend. It might be a good idea to start looking for material already this coming week. It's best to look under the heading of "monologues" in your local library, when searching for declamation pieces. Humorous and Serious Declamation must be a minimum of 3 1/2 mins. and a maximum of 4 1/2 mins. Interpretive Poetry times range from 3 1/2 to 6 mins. Please ask your 8th grade child to show you their forensic packet after the first day of school. If you have any questions let me know. You can reach me at Thanks!!!

Enjoy what's left of your summer!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Getting Ready For School

I'm sure you've all seen the "Back To School" ads and commercials in your newspaper fliers, and on TV. So I'm sure I don't have to remind you that school is just around the corner. Just thought I'd send out a few things to help you and your child get ready for our 2010-2011 school year.

If you haven't already done so, please let us know which of the orientation dates and times work for you. You can do this by either emailing Mr. Hackmann at, or send me an email at You can also reach me at 262-781-0338. The dates available are listed below.

August 11 at 10:00am & 11:00am
August 12 at 6:30pm & 7:30pm
August 16 at 5:00pm & 6:00pm
August 17 at 3:30pm & 4:30pm

If you have misplaced your supply list, just go on our St. Jacobi website and click on "Family Resources". You will find a category for "School Supply List" listed there for you to print.

Looking forward to seeing you on the above dates. Hope you have been enjoying your summer!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Missing Literature Circle Books

I am hoping you can help me out with retrieving a few missing literature circle books. I asked the students before they left school on Friday, but everyone seems to think they returned their books.

The following books are missing:
A Walk To Remember 2-copies
Star Girl 1-copy

All of the girls read A Walk To Remember, and the following boys read the book: Jayme, Erik B., Jon, and I think Chandler, but I'm not sure on the last student.
The following students read Star Girl: Angela, Morgan, Jacob, Erik B.,and 2 others that I'm not sure of.

If you could just ask your child to look through their things at home, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Congratulations Eighth Grade!!!

What a great job our 8th grade did last night presenting their speeches, singing their class hymn, and even having one of our 8th graders putting together their video presentation! Wow! God has richly blessed this class with many talents. I'll be praying for all of you, and pray that your first year in high school will be a wonderful experience. Continue to put your trust "in Christ alone", and no matter what your life may bring, you'll be a success.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Photo For Graduation Reception

The 7th grade graduation reception committee, asks that each 8th grader bring either a framed family picture, or a framed picture of themselves to place on their table at the reception. These pictures can be 5x7 or 8x10. Please dropped off your picture at the school office early next week. If you have any questions, please contact Beth Van Grinsven.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

8th Grade T-Shirts

The 8th grade t-shirts are in! If you haven't already brought your money in to purchase your shirts, please bring it in next week. A huge thank you to Mrs. Swezey for organizing and taking care of all the arrangements to make our shirts possible!!!

Farewell Fiesta (May 21st)

Our Farewell Fiesta is coming up this Friday!!!
Here is a list of the parents who signed up to help:

Set up: Swezey, Van Grinsven
Serving: Swezey, Plaski, Spaude
Clean up: Martinez
The following items should be enough to serve about 55 to 60 people:
Soft shell tacos: Spaude, Till, Burke (2)
Hard shell tacos: Martinez
Cheese: Jahns, Swezey, Burke (2)
Lettuce: Pettersen
Taco Chips: Krutz
Sour Cream: Van Grinsven
Salsa: Jahns, Burke (2)
Refried beans: Spaude
2 liter bottles of soda: Evans (3), Plaski (3), Till, Eisenhauer (2)
Plates: Jaeger
Cups: Williams
I am providing all of the taco meat and some guacamole.
Please have all of your items to school by Friday morning.
A big thank you to all of the parents for their help!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Power Point Presentation

Due to the fact that the 8th grade will be confirmed this Sunday, I will grant extensions for those of you who are not able to get together to work on your presentation on a week night. The purpose for putting students in groups for this project, was to help those students who either don't have access to a computer on a regular basis, or for those who don't have a power point application on their computers. It is impossible to allow class time for both the 7th and 8th grade to work on the power point, because there are currently only 6 computers available to work with, which are located in Mrs. Lippert's room. Since power point presentations are required quite often in high school, I felt it was important to make sure that they have experience presenting them in class. Thanks for your help.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

3rd Annual Farewell Fiesta (May 21st)

The end of the year is quickly drawing to a close. It is once again time to get ready for our annual Farewell Fiesta. For those of you who have not been a part of our celebration in the past, we use this time to have a Mexican lunch together, and for the 7th and 8th grades to sign each others' yearbook and say goodbye.

I will be putting up a sign up list in the lobby this coming week. We will need donated food, drink, and paper ware. I will also need a few moms or dads that are willing to set up and clean up, since I will be in class prior to the lunch. I would appreciate any help you can offer, I cannot put on this lunch without your help. Thanks!!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wonderful Experience At The Lighthouse

It was great to see some of our 8th grade joining the group at the Lighthouse. The kids enjoyed playing air hockey, pool, foosball, and video games. The part I enjoyed most was the devotion and study on prayer before our meal.

Thank you to all of the parents that sent food and helped with driving... A special thanks goes out to Daryl and Paula Zenke for the delicious spaghetti dinner they served!

Hope we are able to make another trip down before the end of the year. I'm not sure if we'll be able to fit it in or not, but I'll keep you posted.

New Studying Tool For Literature

I'm very excited about a fun way that my kids will be able to study their vocabulary words, or other facts for tests. They simply need to go to and set up a (free) account. They are able to make up flashcards for studying, or they can use sets that I have made up for them. In order to access (My Group) they must type in the password mrsprekop. I have already put their vocabulary words, for their quiz on Monday, as a set in My Group. The name of My Group is Mrs. P's kids.

The neat thing about this application, is that they can use it to study for all of their subjects. Hope they make use of this great tool!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lighthouse Outing After School On Friday (Bring Your Food Thursday!)

The following students have signed up to attend our outing at the Lighthouse:
Phil W., Porsche M., Jayme Z., Andrew Y., Colin W., Richard T., Andy R., David P., Danny C.
The students who are attending should stay after school to help get the supper ready. We will be leaving St. Jacobi at around 4:15 PM, and returning to St. Jacobi by 8:00PM. Please be at St. Jacobi at or before 8:00PM to pick up your child. If for any reason we get done early, your son or daughter will give you a call.

Those of you who have not already brought your food to school, please be sure to send it along on Thursday!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Reminder For Those Who Have Signed Up For Food Donations For The Lighthouse

The following families signed up to bring food for our Lighthouse dinner:

Swezey- 2 bags of salad, 2 garlic bread

Kaminski- 1 bag of salad

Williams- 1 bag of salad, 1 garlic bread

Waldschmidt- 1 bottle each of ranch, thousand island, french dressings

Zenke- garlic bread

Smrz- 1 bottle ranch

T. Burke- 1 bottle each of thousand island, and french dressings

Boese- 3 bottles drink

Case- bottle of drink

Manchester- bottle of drink

We could still use more garlic bread and drinks.

Thank you to all of the parents that are contributing food!!!

Please be sure to bring the food to school by this Thursday. Thank you!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Two Recent Bulletin Boards By Some of The Guys

Chandler B., Jon S., Ben E., and Josh B.

Erik B., Erich O., and Andy R.

Friday, March 12, 2010

8th Grade Graduation DVD

Look for an envelope which was sent home with your child, asking for pictures for our 8th grade graduation DVD. Please return the envelope, with the items listed on it, by April 12th.

Thanks for your help!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Please Return Your Lighthouse Slips

Only nine students have returned their Lighthouse slips so far. It is important that I know what to plan for, and need the slips returned as soon as possible. Even if your child will not be attending the March 26th date, we would appreciate it if you could sign up to donate food for the meal.

Thank you!
Peggy Prekop

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lighthouse Up-Date

I spoke with a representative from the Lighthouse ministries yesterday, and it appears that due to the size of the facilities, we will only be able to take 12 of the 24 8th graders on March 26th. I am considering another trip to allow the other 12 the opportunity to participate. The second trip would not include a supper with the Lighthouse group. Whether your child is able to make the March 26th trip or not, we would still appreciate donations for the meal. I have posted a sign up sheet at the back of the 8th grade room. I will be sending home a permission slip on Weds. for the March 26th date.

Thank you for you help!!!

8th Grade Picture Slide Show

It's time to pull out all those photo albums, to look for your child's pictures, for their graduation slide show. I will be sending home an envelope next week asking for the pictures needed. Have fun digging and reminiscing!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

8th Grade's Hosting Lighthouse Ministry Dinner (drivers needed)

We have arranged for the 8th grade to host a dinner for the Lighthouse ministries on March 26th. They will enjoy games and fellowship with the kids who are regulars at the Lighthouse. Daryl and Paula Zenke have graciously volunteered their services to cook a spaghetti dinner for the meal. Paula was able to get the spaghetti sauce, meat, and noodles free from her employer. We will need donations of salad, dressings, and garlic bread from the kids. We will also need parents to volunteer to drop off and pick up kids from the center, located at about 68th and Silver Spring. We will need to leave St. Jacobi at about 4:30 p.m., and be picked up at the Lighthouse center at about 8:00 p.m. If you are able to help out, please send me an email or stop in and let me know. I will be posting a sign up sheet for the food items sometime this coming week. I will also be sending a permission slip home for the outing.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Research Paper Timetable

Feb. 22- Thesis statement (5 pts)

March 8- Research index cards completed- minimum of 4 resources, 3 of which have to be something other than Internet sources. (15 pts)

March 12- Outline completed (15 pts)

March 17- 1st draft (20 pts)

March 24- 2cnd draft (20 pts)

March 31- final draft (20 pts)

Your child has received a hard copy of the timetable,and requirements for this paper.

Thanks for your help!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Social Studies Research Paper

The 8th grade is already gearing up for their social studies paper and project. They must have their topic chosen by Feb.22. They should start gathering different resources (books, Internet, pamphlets, encyclopedia info...) for their paper as soon as they have their topic. They will probably need to make a couple of trips to the library, as we only have limited resources at school. They will need a set of index cards, which was on their supply list at the beginning of the year. Thanks for your help,and happy researching!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Field Trip To See The Thief Lord

The 6th-8th grades will be attending The Thief Lord at the First Stage Theater this coming Thurs. morning. Those who have signed up to chaperon should be to school no later than 9:15 a.m. Please either send a bagged lunch for your child, or have them take an alternate lunch as we will not be returning to school until around 12:00 p.m.

Thanks for your help!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Kleenex Emergency

The 8th grade has totally run out of Kleenex. Please send a box along with your child on Friday or Monday.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

We Need Chaperons For Salty Earth Pictures Lock-in!!!

The 8th grade is excited about their future lock-in at Salty Earth Pictures! In order for them to be able to attend the lock-in, we will need a number of parents to volunteer as chaperones. We will need 3 men, and at least 1 woman chaperone. I will be with the group until about 11:00 p.m. and return again in the morning around 7:00 a.m. My son Tyler and his friend Zach, who are seniors at KMLHS, will stay overnight at the set with the group. The date for the lock-in is set for March 26&27. A tentative schedule for the lock-in is as follows:

Students would arrive at Salty Earth Pictures between 3 and 4 p.m.

3 p.m. Orientation and Tour of the Studio

4:30 p.m. Talk about the movie.

5:00 p.m. Break for Dinner (Items brought by school). We do have a
kitchen to cook frozen pizzas etc.

6:00 p.m. Idea, Scripting etc. Pre-production

7:30 p.m. Break

8:00 p.m. Green Screen, Special Effects, Foley Art Show

9:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Shoot the movie

11:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Movie and or game time.

1:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. Quiet time and Sleep (Girls and Boys split up with
chaperones on two stages.)

7:00 a.m. Juice, Donuts, etc. provided by Salty Earth Pictures for

7:30 am - 10:00 a.m. Edit the movie.

10:30 am The finished product. (students will have an opportunity to purchase a DVD of the final product)

11:00 AM Group heads out and eats lunch on the way home.

To learn more about Salty Earth Pictures go to:

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Shoe Sculpture

Hopefully your son or daughter has informed you that they will be assembling a shoe sculpture that will represent who they are as a person. This sculpture is in conjunction with the paper they are currently working on about themselves. I told them they could use an old shoe or pick something up at a thrift store... If they can figure out a way to make the sculpture without having to permanently adhere the articles to their shoe, they are welcome to try that too, in that case they could use their regular shoes. They should have their shoe, along with the items they will be using to make their sculptures, by Weds. Jan.13th. I have included a few examples of the shoe sculptures done a couple of years ago so you know what we are talking about. Thanks!

Welcome back to school, and Happy New Year!!!