Saturday, May 29, 2010

Congratulations Eighth Grade!!!

What a great job our 8th grade did last night presenting their speeches, singing their class hymn, and even having one of our 8th graders putting together their video presentation! Wow! God has richly blessed this class with many talents. I'll be praying for all of you, and pray that your first year in high school will be a wonderful experience. Continue to put your trust "in Christ alone", and no matter what your life may bring, you'll be a success.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Photo For Graduation Reception

The 7th grade graduation reception committee, asks that each 8th grader bring either a framed family picture, or a framed picture of themselves to place on their table at the reception. These pictures can be 5x7 or 8x10. Please dropped off your picture at the school office early next week. If you have any questions, please contact Beth Van Grinsven.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

8th Grade T-Shirts

The 8th grade t-shirts are in! If you haven't already brought your money in to purchase your shirts, please bring it in next week. A huge thank you to Mrs. Swezey for organizing and taking care of all the arrangements to make our shirts possible!!!

Farewell Fiesta (May 21st)

Our Farewell Fiesta is coming up this Friday!!!
Here is a list of the parents who signed up to help:

Set up: Swezey, Van Grinsven
Serving: Swezey, Plaski, Spaude
Clean up: Martinez
The following items should be enough to serve about 55 to 60 people:
Soft shell tacos: Spaude, Till, Burke (2)
Hard shell tacos: Martinez
Cheese: Jahns, Swezey, Burke (2)
Lettuce: Pettersen
Taco Chips: Krutz
Sour Cream: Van Grinsven
Salsa: Jahns, Burke (2)
Refried beans: Spaude
2 liter bottles of soda: Evans (3), Plaski (3), Till, Eisenhauer (2)
Plates: Jaeger
Cups: Williams
I am providing all of the taco meat and some guacamole.
Please have all of your items to school by Friday morning.
A big thank you to all of the parents for their help!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Power Point Presentation

Due to the fact that the 8th grade will be confirmed this Sunday, I will grant extensions for those of you who are not able to get together to work on your presentation on a week night. The purpose for putting students in groups for this project, was to help those students who either don't have access to a computer on a regular basis, or for those who don't have a power point application on their computers. It is impossible to allow class time for both the 7th and 8th grade to work on the power point, because there are currently only 6 computers available to work with, which are located in Mrs. Lippert's room. Since power point presentations are required quite often in high school, I felt it was important to make sure that they have experience presenting them in class. Thanks for your help.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010