Monday, December 7, 2009

Parents Signed Up For Christmas Carol Lunch Items

Turkey Breast (cooked and sliced with gravy)
(Jenny O boneless breasts come with gravy packet)

Red Potatoes:
Gawel-10 lbs.
Zenke-10 lbs.
Williams-5 or 10 lbs.

Christmas Pudding:
Van Grinsven

Non-alcoholic Champagne:
Swezey- 6 bottles (received)
Burke- 6 bottles (?)

Paper Plates:
Pettersen-60 (received)

Plastic Champagne Glasses:

Plastic Ware:
Smrz-30 sets
Till-30 sets

Apple Sauce:

Please have red potatoes, plates, glasses, plastic ware, and champagne to school by Weds.
I'll be putting the turkey in nescos Friday morning.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Christmas Carol Movie and Lunch

Our Christmas Carol movie date is fast approaching and I'd like to give you a few more details about the day.

First of all, I'd like to thank the parents that signed up to bring food and other items for our lunch!!! I'm asking that those who signed up for paper/plastic products, non-alcoholic champaign, and red potatoes would please bring their things to school already on Weds. of next week. The other parents who will be providing turkey and gravy, please bring your turkey on Friday morning. I will be putting it all in a nesco to heat while we are at the movie. I will post the items that each person signed up for on the blog by this coming Friday.

Chaperones should be at school no later than 8:45 a.m. We plan to leave shortly after 9:00 a.m. I will provide maps and have a list of passengers for each driver. We will arrive at the theater in time to buy concessions before the movie.

Parents-please send money along with your child if you would like them to be able to purchase popcorn... at the theater.

I'm really looking forward to this event, and appreciate all of the parents that are willing to help with driving and lunch!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas Gifts and Party

Christmas is almost upon us and it's time to think about our classroom party. We welcome any students that would like to contribute snacks, soda, cookies, plates, or cups for our party on the 17th. Please let us know what you intend to send along by Monday, Dec. 14th so that we are sure to get a variety of food and drink.

Instead of a gift exchange, we will be collecting $5.00 per student to cover the cost of care package items for soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the cost of the postage for these packages. We have the names of about 5 people in the military who would really appreciate a package. The cost of sending a package has risen to about $12.00 per package, so after the $60.00 is taken out to send the packages, the remainder will be used to purchase items to put in the packages. They are becoming more particular about what they are allowing to be sent over, so I thought it might be easier for me to purchase the items rather than asking you to send things in for the care packs. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Hope you're enjoying your preparations to celebrate Christ's birth!!!

Great Bulletin Board Tony, David, and Richard!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sign Up Sheet For Christmas Carol Lunch

I will be posting a sign up sheet in the lobby for all parents that are able to supply food and items for the Christmas Carol lunch.

We now have enough drivers for the trip to the movie, thanks!!!

Spaude (5)
Smrz (6)
Gawel (6)
Van Grinsven (6)
Williams (6)
Levack (4)
Zenke (4)
Wise (4)
Evans (6)
Chaperones, please give your $5.50 for the cost of the movie to
Rena Waack as soon as possible. Thanks!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Forensic Talents Shine

8th grade, thanks for using your talents to Shine For Jesus!

Red Ribbon: Tony Burke

Blue Ribbon: Jon Swezey

Bronze Medal: Gracie Swezey, Colin Williams

Gold Medal: Angela Jaeger


Friday, October 23, 2009

Forensics Competitors

The following students should have informed you that they will be competing in the forensics competition at Wisco on the morning of Nov. 7th.

7th grade
John P.
Leif V.
Leah G.
Matt R.
Jamie S.
Shelby K.
Riley E.
Caitlin J.

8th grade

Angela J.
Colin W.
Luke B.
Gracie s.
Phil W.
Chandler B.
Tony B.
Jon S.

Mrs. Johnson will be posting more information when she receives it.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Still In Need Of More Drivers For A Christmas Carol

We will still need about 3 or 4 more drivers for our 7th and 8th grade's A Christmas Carol field trip on Friday, Dec.11. We will be leaving school around 9:00 A.M. and return to school a little after 12:00 P.M.

We need to transport a total of 46 students. The following parents have already offered to drive.

Smrz (6)
Gawel (6)
Spaude (5)
Van Grinsvens (6)

I would be able to transport 4 in my car.

Please let me know as soon as possible if you are able to drive.

Thank you!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Care Package Donations for Soldiers

A note was sent home by our student government committee in charge of care packages for Mr. Beauchene. If you have not received the note, please ask your child to share it with you. We are asking for donations to be received by Weds. Thank you!

Symphony Field Trip

The 8th grade will be attending Spooktacular Tales, by the Milwaukee Symphony Ochestra, on Thursday, Oct. 22nd at 10:30 A.M. If you signed up to chaperon, you will need to be at school by about 9:20 A.M., as the bus is scheduled to depart at 9:30 A.M. The children should bring a bagged lunch for the day unless they would like to order a deli lunch. Thank you!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Visit From Mr. Beauchene

We were privileged to have Chandler's dad come in to talk to the 8th grade about his experiences in Iraq. He explained that his position involved overseeing those whose job it is to inspect all who enter their base to protect them from terrorists... The kids had plenty of questions for Mr. Beauchene,and enjoyed his visit. We are looking forward to sending him and his platoon care packages and letters, and possibly being able to skype him when he returns to Iraq. Look for more information in the future regarding items we will need donated to support our troops.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Attention All Parents of Volleyball, Soccer, and Cross Country Participants

We need your action shots, from all of our St.Jacobi fall sports, for our school newspaper! If you can help out, please contact Peggy Prekop. Thanks!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Christmas Carol

Every other year the 7th and 8th grades read the Christmas classic A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Some of you may have already heard about a planned field trip to see the Disney movie A Christmas Carol with Jim Carey. I have made arrangements with the Majestic theater in Waukesha to attend a 10:00 a.m. showing on Dec. 11. We will need to leave St. Jacobi by 9:00 a.m. We will not be taking a bus for this trip to save on our costs. I will need drivers for both the 7th and 8th grades (46 students). The cost of a ticket for chaperons will be $5.50. I will also need some parents who are willing to help provide and serve a lite "Dickens Christmas Lunch" following the movie. Just as I did 2 years ago, we will try to recreate a Christmas as it was back in the late 1800s. I am putting out this information early so that you can make plans accordingly. I will give you more information as the date draws closer.

Thank you!
Peggy Prekop

Monday, September 28, 2009

Science Test

Science test coming up on Thursday of this week. Terra Nova testing will also take place either Monday or Tuesday.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Our 1st Bulletin Board

Sorry I didn't get this out to you sooner! Our 1st bulletin board is by:

Aron Weber
Colin Williams
Jayme Zenke

Great message!

Our 1st attempt at the 8th grade picture

We didn't get it right the first time, but we're still working on it. In this picture, Gracie was being attacked by a bee!!! Future post will show a successful pic!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Second Level of Forensics

The following students will being going on to the next level of forensics:

Andrew Y.
Andy R.
Angela J.
Caleb K.
Chandler B.
Colin W.
Gracie S.
Jon S.
Luke B.
Morgan M.
Mariah M.
Phil W.
Tony B.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Student Government News

We had our election today for the 8th grade class officers. The races were very close, but our results were as follows:

Treasurer: Jon S.
Secretary: Phil W. (This was an extremely close race, it was between Phil and himself):) This is actually the toughest job of all of the positions.
Vice President: Chandler B.
President: Jacob S.


As part of their student government, the 8th grade will be choosing one of the quarterly missions to spearhead a special drive. The 8th grade has opted to continue helping at the Christ-St.Peter's food pantry, and will have their first group helping out this coming Friday. Thank you to Mrs. Rohleder for taking charge of this group. They will also be a part of the Lighthouse ministry at 68th and Silver Spring. More information will follow on this ministry in a future post.

We will be sending care packages to Chandler B's father's platoon in Iraq. Donations of money to cover the postage for sending these packages will be collected soon.

We are looking forward to a productive year with our student government, and will keep you posted as events arise.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Welcome back to school!!! We're off to a great start! Please let us know if you have any questions.

The 8th grade has begun preparing for the upcoming forensics festival at Wisco on Nov. 7. You can help your child find appropriate material at your public library, or on the web. Ask your librarian for good monologue suggestions. The newspaper columnist, Dave Barry, has some good material. He has a number of published books that have suitable humorous pieces. All choices should be checked for appropriate content. We also have a good deal of material here at school for your child to choose from. Your child received a booklet on Wednesday with all of the categories and their descriptions. The following is a breakdown of your child's forensic schedule:

Thurs., Sept.3- Piece chosen for presentation (must be timed to ensure that it is not too long enough, or too short)
Sept. 10,11,&14- Piece ready for presentation in class (must be memorized if category requires) Students that choose pieces that don't need to be memorized will go first.
Sept. 14- Students chosen to go on to next level of competition
Sept. 16- Oct.7 Students present to forensics coaches
Oct. 8 – In school competition (final forensics team is chosen)
Oct. 12-Nov.6 Forensics team receives final coaching
Nov. 7 Forensics Festival at Wisco

Your help is really appreciated!
Thank you!
Peggy Prekop

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Big Year Ahead!!!

It's less than a month away from your last year at St. Jacobi. We're looking forward to doing some fun and exciting new things with you! Please subscribe to our blog so you can keep up with all of our events during the year. Hope you're enjoying the rest of your summer!

Friday, May 29, 2009

"Go With God"

This is your very last blog 8th grade. I will really miss you guys!
May you always hold God closely in your heart, and share His message with others!

Mrs. Prekop

Friday, May 22, 2009

Festive Farewell

Thank you to all of the parents who help with the Fiesta. The kids had a great time signing each other's yearbook! Here are a few pictures I was able to get...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Final 8th Grade Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board By: Nicole G., Sarah K., Alyssa R.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wonderful Easter Message On Our New Bulletin Board

Board design by: Janel K., Taylor P., and Ashley T.

Monday, January 26, 2009