Friday, September 11, 2009

Student Government News

We had our election today for the 8th grade class officers. The races were very close, but our results were as follows:

Treasurer: Jon S.
Secretary: Phil W. (This was an extremely close race, it was between Phil and himself):) This is actually the toughest job of all of the positions.
Vice President: Chandler B.
President: Jacob S.


As part of their student government, the 8th grade will be choosing one of the quarterly missions to spearhead a special drive. The 8th grade has opted to continue helping at the Christ-St.Peter's food pantry, and will have their first group helping out this coming Friday. Thank you to Mrs. Rohleder for taking charge of this group. They will also be a part of the Lighthouse ministry at 68th and Silver Spring. More information will follow on this ministry in a future post.

We will be sending care packages to Chandler B's father's platoon in Iraq. Donations of money to cover the postage for sending these packages will be collected soon.

We are looking forward to a productive year with our student government, and will keep you posted as events arise.

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