Sunday, February 28, 2010

8th Grade's Hosting Lighthouse Ministry Dinner (drivers needed)

We have arranged for the 8th grade to host a dinner for the Lighthouse ministries on March 26th. They will enjoy games and fellowship with the kids who are regulars at the Lighthouse. Daryl and Paula Zenke have graciously volunteered their services to cook a spaghetti dinner for the meal. Paula was able to get the spaghetti sauce, meat, and noodles free from her employer. We will need donations of salad, dressings, and garlic bread from the kids. We will also need parents to volunteer to drop off and pick up kids from the center, located at about 68th and Silver Spring. We will need to leave St. Jacobi at about 4:30 p.m., and be picked up at the Lighthouse center at about 8:00 p.m. If you are able to help out, please send me an email or stop in and let me know. I will be posting a sign up sheet for the food items sometime this coming week. I will also be sending a permission slip home for the outing.

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