Saturday, May 15, 2010

Farewell Fiesta (May 21st)

Our Farewell Fiesta is coming up this Friday!!!
Here is a list of the parents who signed up to help:

Set up: Swezey, Van Grinsven
Serving: Swezey, Plaski, Spaude
Clean up: Martinez
The following items should be enough to serve about 55 to 60 people:
Soft shell tacos: Spaude, Till, Burke (2)
Hard shell tacos: Martinez
Cheese: Jahns, Swezey, Burke (2)
Lettuce: Pettersen
Taco Chips: Krutz
Sour Cream: Van Grinsven
Salsa: Jahns, Burke (2)
Refried beans: Spaude
2 liter bottles of soda: Evans (3), Plaski (3), Till, Eisenhauer (2)
Plates: Jaeger
Cups: Williams
I am providing all of the taco meat and some guacamole.
Please have all of your items to school by Friday morning.
A big thank you to all of the parents for their help!!!

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