Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rides For Wisco Testing On Friday

Mrs. Plaski has room for 3 students, if anyone needs a ride to or from testing at Wisco on Friday. She will probably stop at McDonald's before heading back to St. Jacobi. Please give her a call if you're interested. Thanks!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Looking For Craft Scraps...

Our 8th grade art class will be starting our paper Christmas village houses, churches... and would love anything that you think might be used to decorate or enhance our village. White glitter, spray adhesive, mini die cut wreaths, and many other things I'm sure I haven't thought of would be much appreciated!!! I hope to find some new patterns to make our village even better this year.

Thanks for your help!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bring Your Dogs

Just in case your child hasn't mentioned it to you, we are welcoming them to share their dogs with the residents of the Oak Crest home we're visiting this coming Friday. If you are able to bring your dog, please come to the home at around 2:40 or 2:45 p.m. The residents don't often get a chance to interact with pets, and I'm sure they would really appreciate the experience.


November 8th Grade Breakfast, Christ St. Peters, and Oak Crest Home

Wow! Do we have a big Friday coming up? The morning starts with the 8th grades' second monthly breakfast, with pancakes served up by principal Hackmann. There is a sign up sheet in the back of the room. Many items are needed. Mom's who can help microwave bacon..., and help the kids with set up would be appreciated. Please let me know if you can help.

We also have a group of six heading to the Christ St. Peter's food pantry. The rest of the class will be going over to Oak Crest at 2:00 p.m. to visit with the elderly. Three of our forensic team will be performing their pieces. The kids will also be making a Veteran's Day craft with the residents, and bringing in some of their dogs to visit with the group. What a great experience for our class!

Pictures will follow.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Money For Mexican Mission

Instead of exchanging a $5.00 Christmas gift with one another, the 8th grade has decided to give their money to the Mission to the Children in Mexico. The Mission is run by the WELS and the Iglesia Evangelica Luterana Confesional, its sister church in Mexico.

Each year Wisco sends a group of Spanish students down to help at the Mission. They will be taking the money donated by your kids and purchasing Christmas gifts for the children in the Mission. They need the money by this Friday so that they will have enough time to purchase all of the gifts.

Your student is signing up to send their gift to a specific child, and will have the opportunity to correspond with this particular child. We will be taking our pictures and sending them along in hopes that we will receive a picture in return.

Please have your money to me by this coming Friday.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

God Given Talents- Wonderfully Expressed!

Wow, eighth grade, what a great job of using your many gifts and abilities!!! Such a treat to see the growth in all of your performances from the time you were in sixth grade. Take those God given gifts with you into high school, and use them to His glory through out your lives. Congratulations, we're all so proud of you!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Jr Choir Sings on November 7th

The Jr. Choir sings this Sunday, on November 7th, in the 10:45 worship service. We will warm up in the MultiPurpose Room at 10:25. I could use a few parents to help me by sitting in the balcony with the Jr. Choir. Please remember to set your clocks back one hour Saturday night.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


The competition begins this Saturday, November 6, at Wisco, at 9:00 am. You will do 3 rounds and should be done by noon or sooner.
Mrs. Prekop would like to meet with you all at 8:30 am on Saturday. I will let you know the room number when I hand out your information on Friday at lunch. See you then!