Monday, November 15, 2010

Money For Mexican Mission

Instead of exchanging a $5.00 Christmas gift with one another, the 8th grade has decided to give their money to the Mission to the Children in Mexico. The Mission is run by the WELS and the Iglesia Evangelica Luterana Confesional, its sister church in Mexico.

Each year Wisco sends a group of Spanish students down to help at the Mission. They will be taking the money donated by your kids and purchasing Christmas gifts for the children in the Mission. They need the money by this Friday so that they will have enough time to purchase all of the gifts.

Your student is signing up to send their gift to a specific child, and will have the opportunity to correspond with this particular child. We will be taking our pictures and sending them along in hopes that we will receive a picture in return.

Please have your money to me by this coming Friday.


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